Mobile app for Home & Living brands

Make your customers feel at homeTurn your store into a mobile app and unlock a new revenue stream


Average increase in LTV


Push notification open rate



Having an app is no longer optional

With almost all major home & living retailers investing in mobile apps, your customers have already grown accustomed to the easy buying experience mobile apps offer.

Mobile apps are luring your customers away

From a simple push notification campaign, home & living brands that use Taply get their marketing efforts in front of customers. Meanwhile, competitors' marketing emails are stuck at the bottom of the inbox. No paid advertising necessary. Just send a push notification and it lands right on the customer's home screen. Supplement it with rich media for an even more effective campaign. it's a no-brainer how home & living brands using Taply consistently come out on top.
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    Add new dimensions to your products

    Easily provide product instruction or exclusive home & living content within your app. Increasing your customer's lifetime value is simple with Taply.
    • Social Media Blocks

      Integrate your socials with TikTok, Instagram, Twitter

    • Rich Media Content

      Engage users with YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo, Google Maps, Typeform

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    A shopping experience your customers will love

    As a home & living brand, you understand the importance of the entire buying experience for your customers. Your customers should feel the same level of satisfaction shopping from you as they do using your products in their homes.
    • Customer accounts

      Allow customers to easily manage their profiles, shipping addresses and view past orders from your app

    • Wishlist

      Allow customers to save products to purchase later

    • Quick add to cart & checkout

      Let customers add to cart easily with quick add to cart

    A woman celebrating in front of her mobile app for her Shopify store

    Discover how Home & Living brands use Taply

    Taply's powerful features help Home & Living brands scale their business

    Push Notifications

    Recover abandon carts, welcome new users, configure rich media and more from one dashboard.

    Managed Publishing

    Easily get your brand in front of millions of users on iOS and Android.

    Custom Pages

    Create custom pages and funnels to highlight products, promotions, or app-exclusive content.

    Quick Add to Cart

    Create an uninterrupted buying experience with quick add and increase cart value.


    Spend less time guessing and more time growing your business.

    Interactive Blocks

    Content is king, deliver interactive content to your customers that will keep them coming back.

    Customer Accounts

    Enable a personalized mobile shopping experience with customer accounts.

    Ready To Build Your Home & Living App?


    Powerful integrations for Home & Living brands

    One-click to connect your mobile app with your favorite Shopify apps.

    Build your Home & Living app todayGet started with Taply